Why We Do It

We believe in America and what it stands for. "What We Do" is done so that we have the means to support the programs and activites that help America stay strong. It takes some work, time and dedication to do what we do, but those who help get a genuine feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction in doing something helpful for our veterans and our communities.

There is an important second reason for volunteering. It's called comradeship. When we help someone in need, and do it as a group, we become part of that group. Our Post has a great group of members, and we work hand-in-hand with the Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion (S.A.L.). When they put on an activity or program, you'll usually see Legionnaires working alongside of them. When the Post needs help, the Auxiliary and S.A.L. are the first to volunteer assistance. You become more than friends, you become part of the Legion family, and that is a nice feeling!